Grand Theft Auto 5 On PS4, Xbox One And PC Will Blow You Away

Rockstars' ambitions are high.

Grand Theft Auto 5 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 was mind blowing to say the least. Rockstar were able to add so many gameplay elements and intricate details on a seven year hardware back in 2013. Now imagine how much better GTA 5 will look like when it releases on the PS4, Xbox One and PC later this year.

It will be mind blowing according to Take-Two’s Strauss Zelnick. “They want to blow consumers away. Whatever the expectation is, they want to exceed it. When you see GTA 5 on next-gen, I want you to tell me whether it is or isn’t better than your expectation. I can guarantee it will be better, ” Zelnick said.

Zelnick believes that the series is world famous and they want to sell it to each individual in the world. Bold ambitions indeed, especially given that the game has already sold over 34 million units. “One way to look at it is that 34m copies have been sold, but there’s 7bn people on Earth. So we have over 6.9bn people left to address. It’s a massive market and an amazing title. GTA is the standard bearer in the industry. How can you buy a next-gen console and not want to play GTA on it?”

For more on the differences between last gen and current gen versions of the game, click here. Also do not forget to check out our hub page of the game here.

Thanks, MCV, VideoGamer.

Grand Theft Auo 5pcps4RockstarXbox One