Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Patch Fixes Several Issues

Good news: You won't need WMP to install GTA 5 on PC.

Rockstar Games has released a new patch for Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC which helps correct many significant issues players have been experiencing since launch.

Some of the major issues include players being stuck in clouds when opting to restart the Humane Labs Heist or facial features not saving correctly when transferring a character from Xbox 360/PS3. Sadly, the patch also fixed a bug where players could store more vehicles in a property beyond what was allowed.

Thankfully, one can now launch the video card benchmark from the main menu and you won’t require Windows Media Player to install GTA 5 on PC (however, Windows Media Foundation is still necessary). Several Rockstar Editor-related bugs such as audio recording issues, markers not being deleted with the mouse and clips not opening for editing have also been fixed.

You can check out the full patch notes here for more information. Stay tuned for more updates on Grand Theft Auto 5 PC in the coming weeks.

Grand Theft Auto 5patchpcrockstar games