Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Vs PS4 Graphics Comparison Show Dense Vegetation And Better AA On The Former

With better hardware comes better visuals.

Well as you’re most likely already aware, it’s more or less the end of March, and that means only one thing for the PC gaming community. That’s right, Grand Theft Auto V, the allegedly definitive edition of the game, is so very nearly here. So what better way to get you needlessly excited than to show you some more comparison screenshots between the PC build and the PS4 build which, while being very impressive, simply can’t compare.

I’m just going to reiterate that the PS4 and Xbox One builds of the game are extremely impressive in their own right, but once again, you need only look at the screenshots below. Not only is the world absolutely packed with new added details, it’s positively hiving with life.

There’s also the obvious expected boosts in visual fidelity such as enhanced AA and even denser flora scattered about, which all blends together nicely to create quite the stunning game world. Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC launches 14th April, 2015.


Grand Theft Auto 5pcps4RockstarXbox One