Graphics Improvements On Xbox Scorpio Depend On How Developers Allocate Resources- Developer

It's not a simple case of hard numbers.

Arguably the biggest selling point for the Xbox Scorpio so far is its monstrous GPU, which, at 6TFLOPs of computational power, makes the Scorpio the most powerful console ever made. However, just hard numbers aren’t going to be enough her. According to Ikrima Elhassan of Kite & Lightning, the developers of the upcoming VR game Bebylon Battle Royale, how many graphical improvements the Scorpio truly exhibits will depend on just how developers allocate resources.

“As a graphics engineer in a previous life, this is like asking, “How long is a piece of string?” It really depends on what the developer wants to allocate the resources towards. It can range from going to 60 fps, rendering at 1080p, antialiasing, to dynamic GI, and so on,” Elhassan said to GamingBolt.

Which does sound about right- on the one hand, developers might choose to use all that power towards rendering games in 4K natively. On the other, they might decide to stick to lower resolutions, but render more sophisticated graphical effects. I imagine the improvements the Scorpio nets will vary on a game by game basis, which is something that Microsoft themselves will be encouraging, it seems like.

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