Grow Up Out on August 17th According to PlayStation Store – Report

The sequel to Grow Home has apparently been dated.

Grow Up, the sequel to Ubisoft’s Grow Home, will be releasing on August 17th as per a PlayStation Store listing. Ubisoft hasn’t officially confirmed the release date and it’s possible that it’s a placeholder. We know the game is set for August though so this could likely be real but standby for confirmation.

The price is listed as £7.99 with PlayStation Plus subscribers able to purchase it for £6.39. Players take control of BUD, a robot that explores a new planet to gather parts and fix his spaceship called MOM.

The first game Grow Home began as a neat experiment by a small team at Ubisoft Reflections and takes inspiration from properties like WALL-E. It garnered its fair share of critical acclaim and was released for PC and PS4.

Thankfully, Grow Up will be out on Xbox One, PC and PS4. Are you looking forward to it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more information.

Grow Uppcps4UbisoftXbox One