GTA 5 On PC Receives A New Patch, Fixes Launcher CPU Issues

Also fixes Windows User Names issue.

By now it’s no secret that GTA V didn’t launch too well on the PC, with a few game breaking bugs for some, all but inaccessible servers for others and a number of other problems. Now, in an effort to fix these problems, Rockstar have released a patch for the game that should hopefully fix some of these problems.

However, such is the nature of Rockstar, a studio that likes to do things in their own time, patch notes are yet to be released. So we don’t yet know the specifics of what the patch will do in its entirety. What we do know is that this patch is expected to fix the issue with Windows User Names and the problem that arose wherein the game’s launcher would deliver a heavy blow to a users CPU that could be partially resolved by adjusting the games priority through the task manager.

If your copy of the game was purchased through Steam, then it should weigh in at a rather light 207MB whereas a non steam copy will carry a patch size of 352.75MB and include a small 53MB update. If you are facing any issues, we’ve compiled list of tweaks that you can try.

Grand Theft Auto Vpcps4RockstarXbox One