GTA 5 PC Version Support Gaining Momentum, 150,000 People Have Signed Up The Petition

The goal has been now increased to 200,000 signatures.

It seems PC gamers really want GTA 5 to hit the platform as the petition they had originally created has now reached 150,000 signatures.

Rockstar has been releasing the PC version of GTA games a bit late for reasons only known to them. They have also not released Red Dead Redemption on the PC, so there’s a doubt in some PC gamers that GTA 5 probably won’t come to the PC, and hence this petition.

Considering there are so many signatures, it’s clear that Rockstar has to take notice of this, as this shows how many people are ready to buy the game on the platform.

The game will be released on September 17 on the PS3 and Xbox 360, and it was originally supposed to be released on Spring 2013, but was delayed because Rockstar wants more time on the game.

You can check out our complete coverage of the game over here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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