GTA 5 vehicles remade in GTA 4, looks stunning

Trailer inside.

Grand Theft Auto 5 will take a while to be out, more like in Spring 2013 in fact. But if you have a PC and a copy of GTA 4, why not just mod the game?

Not only will you get a stunning modding experience with ENB mods which really enhances the visuals to absurd qualities but you will also be able to add more functionality to the game and also a lot of new features.

This new vehicle pack for GTA 4 shows you some of the cars that have been recreated from the recent GTA 5 trailers. Yes, you can enjoy these cars from GTA 5 if you play GTA 4 on PC and use these mods.

Now you may be wondering whether it’s the same thing or not. The thing to look out here is that Rockstar doesn’t use licensed cars, most of their models are dummy ones and have same visual features.

You can download this pack from over here. Check out the video below that shows the mod in all its glory.

Thanks, DSOgaming.

grand theft auto 4Grand Theft Auto 5pcrockstar games