GTA Online Bug Emerges From PS4 Suspend/Resume Feature

Suspend and resume from a GTA Online session and you'll find yourself unable to leave free mode.

Sony introduced the new Suspend/Resume feature with update 2.50 for the PlayStation 4 and while it’s worked fairly well, the odd few bugs are emerging from it. Bungie’s Destiny currently doesn’t support it and now Rockstar’s GTA Online has encountered a severe bug from it.

If you decide to enter Rest Mode while playing Grand Theft Auto Online and then resume from where you last left off, you’ll be thrown into a solo free mode session. Switching to different free mode sessions doesn’t help to alleviate the problem.

Currently, Rockstar is aware of the issue and has suggested players shut down the game before relaunching it. This will correct the bug though it kind of negates the purpose of Suspend/Resume on the PS4.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Have you encountered lately in GTA Online? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for any updates or patches regarding the bug.

Grand Theft Auto 5Grand Theft Auto Onlineps4rockstar gamessuspend/resume