Guild Wars 2- fresh bans issued by ArenaNet


Guild Wars 2 is one of the most popular MMOs ever made and if you are thinking of exploiting it, you shouldn’t, because ArenaNet is keeping a close watch on hackers and glitchers to maintain a level playing field.

According to a new report by Massively Joystiq, they have issued fresh bans for people who exploited the game during the Wintersday holiday event.

What this glitch does is that it allows players to craft items using one ectoplasm and then salvage them to receive two in return. However you cannot do the same now because the item’s value has dropped down considerably.

“Any time you take one thing and can make two, and then four, and then 16 – ya gotta know that’s just wrong,” ArenaNet’s Gaile Gray wrote.

“And to perform that action hundreds and hundreds of times? That’s called exploitation, and that’s against the User Agreement, the Rules of Conduct, and all that is holy.

“We’ve been more than kind, in the past, and everyone needs to own up to his/her errors and recognize: We all are part of the game economy, and those who exploit it are hurting the rest of us. Exploit closed. Worst offenders terminated. That’s what has to happen to make things right for all of us.”

Stop exploiting guys, it’s not right. Play the game the correct way as intended. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Via Massively.

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