H1Z1 Hackers Will Be Cracked Down On, Update On G29 Errors And More

Smedley updates on a few issues sorrounding H1Z1.

Following the entirely justified outrage from gamers following the blatant pay to win inclusions in H1Z1, Sony president John Smedley has been updating fans by way of Twitter and Reddit, talking about some of the games outstanding problems.

The game, like most games of its kind, is being plagued by hackers. Smedley had this to say about it, “This is a situation we are extremely on top of. When we first launch we get a good survey of what people want to do.. we watch them do it, then we ban them into the nether world of scumbaggery they belong in. You’ll be seeing us ban and shut down the few things we see on a regular and very rapid response basis.”

Players experiencing the G29 errors that are crippling their gameplay sessions are being aided following a series of fixes. Smedley has said, “We’ve fixed all but about 1% of the G29 errors now”. If you’re still experiencing problems you should email, h1z1g29@soe.sony.com for support. According to him, “The error has something to do with the link between your Steam and your SOE Station account for H1Z1”.

Over the weekend, he also pointed out what will be coming in the games next patch, saying “Hunger and Thirst will be dealt with in the next patch. We think it’s too harsh too. Just trying not to overcompensate. We want it hard.”

Source: Reddit, Twitter.

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