Half-Life: Alyx Will Not Be Shown At The Game Awards

The recently revealed VR title won't be shown at the show.

The return of the Half-Life series was quite the crazy thing to witness in this year of 2019 (unless you just really hate VR, then I imagine it was shot to the heart, but you know, that is what it is). We got decent first look at the game when it was officially revealed, but it seems we won’t be getting another one later tonight as the developer just confirmed.

With the release date for the game relatively soon, the hope was that we’d get to see a bit more of Alyx via The Game Awards, the event that’s become one of the biggest in the entire industry over the last few years. But via their official Twitter, Valve delivered news that the game would not be shown at the show in any capacity.

Well, it’s unfortunate, but they still say the game is approaching a March 2020 release, so there’s no official delay for the game, at least…not yet.

Half-Life: AlyxpcValve