Halo 4 dev- “We had to scale it down quite a bit”

The ball was in their Cortana... you get the point.

343 Industries’ executive producer Kiki Wolfkill explains that while the team wanted to do a lot of crazy stuff with Halo 4, they had to dial down the new features quite a bit, and that they had to scale a lot of stuff down for the game.

“Halo games have always been big,” Wolfkill said while in an interview with X360Magazine. “But there were so many thing that we wanted to do with this game that we even had to scale it down quite a bit.”

However, he believes the Spartan Ops episodes released on a regular basis are perfect for new additions to the game. “It’s interesting for us to consider how we can deliver content on a more regular basis instead of in one monolithic chunk of content, and that’s something we’re exploring with Spartan Ops. We did want to make sure we delivered a really cohesive experience and when it came to things like Spartan Ops, there wasn’t really an option for us not to do that.”

When asked if other developers might look into a Spartan Ops-style business model with their games, Wolfkill said, “It wouldn’t surprise me if we see more of this down the road. We feel fortunate that we had the opportunity to get this out there first and to learn from it.”

Have you guys been enjoying Spartan Ops? Tell us in your comments below.

343 industrieshalo 4Microsoftxbox 360