Halo 4 ‘Going Back To What Made Halo 1 Amazing’

Microsoft UK’s Xbox entertainment director Stephen McGill, in a recent interview, shed some light on the philosophy behind 343’s first Halo outing, and it seems to be about returning to roots: “One of the key things with Halo 4 is going back to what made it amazing for people playing the first Halo, Halo 4, along with the re-release of the first Halo game in the form of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, will serve as a perfect introduction to the series for players who were too young to have experienced the impact of the original”

“The people who are 18 years old now were only eight when Halo appeared. They probably didn’t play it. That’s the opportunity the Anniversary pack and then Halo 4 have,” he said.

“The tenth anniversary is huge and is a product of great passion. It’s important we celebrate this – the game itself was a huge milestone for us and kickstarted the platform in a lot of ways. But the platform has evolved dramatically in that time, so it’s worth going back to show how it still stands up as a product made today.”

Thanks to CVG for the info.

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