Halo 4: Multiplayer Skill Ranks Will Be Invisible, Franchise Could Continue Without Master Chief

The show must go on, with or without Master Chief.

If you are wondering where your skill ranks have gone in the War Games user interface, then we might have an answer for you. Halo 4 multiplayer skill ranks won’t be visible, at least for the time being. The developers explained the reason behind this at Halo Waypoint:

“We are tracking all player skill data and while it will not be exposed in the game UI at launch, we have some ideas about how to give players access to that information, in a useful way, in the not-so-distant future.”

They also explained (Via Examiner) how multiplayer matchmaking will work. “Matchmaking will use geography, connection data, history and skill to determine player populations per game. Skill and connection get very high priority, but there will be other factors involved. I should also note that the simplification of our hoppers and playlists means that the quality of those matchmaking criteria will be improved through population density and that alone will make a huge difference”, they said at  Halo Waypoint.

In another Halo news, Halo 4‘s creative director Josh Holmes thinks that the franchise can continue without Master Chief.

“I look at it like this: Is there a world where Halo continues without Master Chief? Absolutely. I think there are stories waiting to be told across the universe that are compelling. It just comes down to having characters that people care about and mysteries that warrant exploration. Right now we’re telling the story of the Master Chief and that’s something I think people will hopefully care a great deal about, but I don’t see why you can’t have another character exist in the Halo universe that’s equally as interesting and appealing”, he revealed in an interview with Time.

Halo 4 has so far received impressive reviews which you can check out over here. We also interviewed 343 industries which you can check out over here.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more news and updated.

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