Halo 5 Guardians: Breakout Game Mode Detailed, New Weapon Included

Let the content roll forth. Updates for all.

Rolled out on the 2nd of this month was the Halo 5 Guardians multiplayer Beta update which brought with it a number of new features. The new map swapped into the game is Regret. The update also sees the inclusion of the Hydra MLRS which is a brand new weapon in the Halo Universe.

Also included in the update was the inclusion of the Breakout game mode. Breakout is based on Team V Team combat with each Spartan only having one life to use. The first team to five victories wins the game. It sounds simple, but it’s really quite a game changer.

Josh Holmes, the Studio Head for Halo 5: Guardians, took to twitter as be often does to announce the new stuff that was appearing in the Beta  as well, which includes the new game mode, new playable maps, the long awaited Battle Rifle start for Slayer matches (though this is limited to Regret) as well as Breakout being made playable in Crossfire and Trench.

He rounded up this little collection of information with the obligatory “#Halo” that follows this game everywhere it goes. If you’re having a blast in the Beta, let us know in the comments. If you’re not having a blast, then by all means tell us about that too.


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