Halo 5 Guardians: The Aiming System Needs To Be Refined

Call of Duty: The Space Aged Edition?

Halo 5: GuardiansHalo 5: Guardians

If you’re a casual gamer or one of the “MLG Pro” group of gamers, you’re entitled to an opinion and it’s just as valid as every other opinion. Thus, the consensus on Halo 5 Guardians aiming boils down to “I don’t like it”. The new ADS (aim down sights) mechanic that compresses your bullet spread is the newest means of aiming in Halo gaming.

So what does that mean? Well it means twitch based reaction combat, it means a lack of accuracy to established lore, it means angry fans and it means damage control. In the video below, you can see the “ADS” makes a marked improvement to firing clusters when compared to “hip firing” the weapon. So you have weapons that are typically used as harassing weapons or rapid fire weapons for closing the distance, being used as more or less accurate marksman rifles.

Granted, clustering will change at a distance, but changing weapon spread because you can look down a sight just flies in the face of what was established as fact in the Halo universe. In short, Halo 5 is quickly becoming Call of Duty: The Space Aged Edition. That’s not an inherently bad thing, but it’s certainly not Halo.

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