Halo Dev Names Chris Lee As New Studio Head

Halo 5 executive producer named as new head.

343 Industries, which developed Halo 4, Halo 5: Guardians and Halo Wars, saw its studio head Dan Ayoub leave last week to work on the Mixed Reality team at Microsoft.

It has named a replacement in the form of Chris Lee. Franchise development director Frank O’Connor said on Twitter that you could “follow our new studio head @tefferlee because he’s keen to talk about Halo and better at twitter than me. I am still mastering MySpace.”

Chris Lee has a fair amount of experience with the Halo franchise. Along with serving as the senior lead producer on Halo 4 and the executive producer on Halo 5: Guardians, Lee has also been involved in Halo: Reach and Halo 3: ODST. He’s been working with Microsoft since 2003 and joined Microsoft Game Studios in 2004 as a software development testing engineer.

What are your thoughts on Lee becoming the new studio head and dictating the direction of Halo going forward? Let us know below.

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