Halo: The Master Chief Collection Reintroducing Rumble Playlist for Halo 2 Fans

Previously removed to help matchmaking issues, 343 Industries has added Rumble back in.

343 Industries has announced that in light of recent matchmaking issues facilitating the removal of Rumble from the Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer of The Master Chief Collection, it will be reintroducing the same following feedback from fans. The playlist is expected to be live at this point though an official confirmation hasn’t been made.

On Halo Waypoint, the developer stated that, “Based on community feedback we’ve received since yesterday’s update, we are bringing the Halo 2: Anniversary Rumble playlist, which features a variety of FFA game types, back into the matchmaking rotation.

“Our team continues to work on resolving existing matchmaking issues such as party splitting and uneven teams, and in the meantime, this playlist will offer a mix of game types that are not affected by these known issues.”

Halo: The Master Chief Collection has been facing a variety of issues since launch pertaining to its multiplayer matchmaking. Though 343 Industries has released a few updates, some serious issues still remain. Stay tuned for more information on the same.

343 industrieshalo 2 anniversaryHalo: The Master Chief CollectionMicrosoftXbox One