Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas New Cards Revealed

And boy are there are a ton of them.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft will be receiving its first single-player campaign with the Curse of Naxxramas but the update will add more than just that. There will also be a bunch of new cards to play around. Blizzard Entertainment has posted the same on its official Facebook page so check them all out here.

The Curse of Naxxramas will be a relatively heavy update even without the cards as it add will be added to the game over five updates. Those who take part in the campaign with the first month of its launch will be able to access the first wing – The Arachnid Quarter – for free. Subsequent wings like the Plague Quarter, Military Quarter, Construct Quarter, and Frostwyrm Lair will need to be paid for with either real world money or in-game gold.

A new wing will be added each week regardless after launch so you’ll have a good amount of time in between each to decide if the next one is worth investing in. Will you be plunging into Naxxramas when it goes live later today? Let us know in the comments.

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