Here’s Some Leaked Off Screen Footage of Final Fantasy XV Gameplay

15 minutes of it.

۞ by AGB-Media

۞ by AGB-Media

Final Fantasy XV, it seems, will actually finally be releasing next year, against all odds. But there’s still a while before we get there- in fact, the game is so far out from release that there’s the release of an entirely different, unrelated Final Fantasy game that comes first. So if you find yourself hankering for something, anything more on Final Fantasy XV and just will take anything, you’re in luck- we have some brand new, off screen leaked footage of Final Fantasy XV gameplay. A full 15 minutes of it, to be precise.

This will show you more of the game, as well as the graphics. If you can actually hear them talk, and understand them, then it might also give you some hint as to the game’s story and/or spoil it for you.

Final Fantasy XV launches next year on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

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