Here’s Some New Final Fantasy XV Footage

After nearly eight years of knowing next to nothing about Final Fantasy XV (formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII), we’ve had a veritable flood of information on the upcoming title in the last few weeks. We got a re-re-reveal at TGS, where it was announced that Nomura would no longer be directing the game, we were shown a new trailer, and we were promised a demo in early 2015; and now here’s some more gameplay footage for you to enjoy.

Of course, it’d be best enjoyed if you knew Japanese, not only because the UI is all Japanese, but also because the voiceover commentary is also Japanese, and if you don’t know the language, it can be distracting.

Also remember, as the video itself reminds us, the game is a work in progress, so the video may not be indicative of the final product. And with this game, that warning might actually hold true.

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