Hideki Kamiya Shares Thoughts on Creation of Bayonetta

Hideki Kamiya, Platinum Games designer and creator of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry and more, shared his inspiration behind creating Bayonetta, the critically acclaimed action game for PS3 and XBox 360, after being asked how the idea came about.

As you know, I made Devil May Cry seven or eight years before Bayonetta. It started as a new series of Resident Evil originally, not as a 100 percent pure action game. However, it changed into an action game and lots of people loved it, and of course I was really satisfied with what we did.

But when I was wondering what to make for the first title [with] Platinum Games, [Platinum’s Yusuke] Hashimoto suggested me to make an action game again, and that made me so excited because I wanted to know if we could move forward with [and] reform an action game eight years after Devil May Cry.

On another note, he’s on his second playthrough and hopes to actually get some medals this time.

Source: Beefjack

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