Hideo Kojima And Mark Cerny Check Out Sony Bend Studios

Kojima continues his "tech" tour with Cerny.


While the general public still don’t know much about the upcoming Sony Bend game, it’s a safe bet that Hideo Kojima and Sony’s Mark Cerny certainly do. The duo recently visited the studio, unsurprisingly located in Bend, Oregon and apparently received a presentation made up of 276 powerpoint slides. We know this because the director of the Metal Gear Solid series, including the most recent took to Twitter to give the social media network a small look at one of the lesser known studios in the business.

It’s possible that Sony Bend is about to become better known, as they continue work on horror game that has largely been hidden in the shadows for the last few months. Despite the fact that we know the company has been working on this title and the most we know about it is that it has been using the Unreal Engine 4. Certainly that seems to hint at a game that could be  good but it doesn’t really shed any light on what the final version of the game is going to be.

While Kojima didn’t shed any light on what he and Cerny saw in their visit to the studio, he did share some neat photos from his visit on social media. We wonder what Kojima is up to for his next game.

hideo kojimaps4sonySony Bend