Hideo Kojima Still Wants To Make A “Revolutionary” Horror Game, But Not Like P.T.

The man sure does like to talk about crapping pants.

Despite the fact that it was never really a full game, and that it can no longer be downloaded via official channels, 2014’s P.T. is still one of the most talked about pieces of media from this generation of consoles. There’ve been several attempts to mimic it, but nothing has touched that demo’s quality, and even today people are still finding neat things about how it functions. It was ultimately a teaser for Silent Hills, a game Hideo Kojima aimed to make before parting ways with Konami. He’s still very keen to make a horror game, though, as he’s said before. But it seems he won’t be looking at P.T.

Kojima is set to receive BAFTA Fellowship, and ahead of the event he did a brief feature with the company. He said he still has a desire to make a ‘revolutionary’ horror game that makes people poop their pants, but also says he doesn’t think he can use P.T. as a reference. He calls it an experiment and a one-off.

P.T. was a mysterious game, created by a mysterious studio, with no previous announcement or information, so it used forbidden techniques to increase fear,” Kojima said. “It was a one-off thing, so we cannot reuse that method again.

P.T. ended as just an experiment, but I would like to make another horror game someday. Something that uses a revolutionary method to create terror, that doesn’t just make you pee your pants, but crap them. I already have ideas in mind.

“I’m easily frightened myself, so I have confidence that I could create something more terrifying than perhaps others could.”

It’s an interesting thought process, because it also seems to imply that whatever Silent Hills was going to be, it may not have been very much like P.T. like you would assume. Whatever this project morphs into, it’ll be interesting at the very least, I’m sure. But it also sounds like those hoping for a P.T.-like experience from Kojima again probably won’t get that.

hideo kojimaKojima Productions