Hitman Sniper Challenge Review

Hitman Sniper Challenge offers gamers a glimpse of what Hitman: Absolution will be like by offering them the opportunity to snipe some bad guys in a limited time. There’s just one level here and it’s sort of a pre-order bonus for people who booked their copy of the game in advance. PC gamers also have a reason to be excited because from what I’ve seen of the single level in the challenge, the visuals are absolutely fantastic.

In fact, the challenge was all about the visuals and checking out how fun it is to snipe people, and also somewhat showcasing IO Interactive’s crowd technology. There’s been a lot of talk about how Hitman: Absolution can generate a lot of crowds without taxing the system.

With this DLC you can unlock items for Absolution, and there are some hidden challenges that involve shooting items like rubber ducks and so on. The main objective here is to kill a target who comes out of the helicopter and also kill all the guards without alerting anyone. It’s pretty simple, however, the guards can escape making you lose those vital points. There are leaderboards to compare points and so on. Replaying this Chicago rooftop level can be highly addictive so I can’t wait to see what type of levels we get in the full game.

The level contains a bunch of challenges like: Leap of the Ninja, No Pigeons Were Harmed, Ohh Mine Got!. It’s a Trap, Rapid Execution, Crack all Eggs, WOW! and so on. They aren’t that easy though, and require you to have a good eye to spot these things. Speaking of spotting, the draw distance is spectacular here on the PC, and when you max it out, all the lighting combine together along with the crisp textures to give you an unique experience.

I spent a bunch of hours on this challenge, so there’s plenty of replaybility ahere and it remains to be seen if Hitman: Absolution can offer a similar amount of replay value. Based on the previous Hitman games, that should be a resounding yes.

This game was reviewed on the PC.


Fantastic graphics. Lots of replay value. Great draw distance. A lot of things to do considering it's a small level. Fun to snipe enemies.


Only one level. Can get boring soon.

Final Verdict

I spent a bunch of hours on this challenge, so there's plenty of replaybility ahere and it remains to be seen if Hitman: Absolution can offer a similar amount of replay value. Based on the previous Hitman games, that should be a resounding yes.

A copy of this game was provided by developer/publisher for review purposes. Click here to know more about our Reviews Policy.
Hitman Sniper ChallengeHitman: AbsolutionIO Interactivepc