IllumiRoom from Microsoft uses Kinect and is pretty awesome

Looks cool, doesn't it?

You need a projector and a Kinect sensor to transform your room or at least the space behind your TV into vivid imagery to engross you more into the content you consume. How exactly will that happen? Well Microsoft has shown a demonstration where such a thing is completely possible.

 So what is Illumiroom exactly? Well as the name suggests it illuminates your room, duh.

“Our system uses the appearance and the geometry of the room (captured by Kinect) to adapt the projected visuals in real-time without any need to custom pre-process the graphics,” the reasearch team said.

“IllumiRoom is a proof-of-concept Microsoft Research project designed to push the boundary of living room immersive entertainment by blending our virtual and physical worlds with projected visualizations. The effects in the video are rendered in real time and are captured live — not special effects added in post processing,” the official description reads.

IllumiRoom project was designed by: Brett Jones, Hrvoje Benko, Eyal Ofek and Andy Wilson.

IllumiroomMicrosoftxbox 360Xbox Live