Iron Harvest Crosses $450,000 Crowdfunding Goal in 2 Days

King Arts Games' alternative post-WW1 RTS is already at $523,538 and rising.

King Art Games attracted quite a bit of attention last year with Iron Harvest, a real-time strategy game with cover elements and destructible environments set in an alternative post-World War 1 universe. The game recently launched its Kickstarter, seeking $450,000 in funding and it seems backers were quite taken with the premise. Iron Harvest has already crossed its crowdfunding goal and stands at $523,538 with 29 days remaining.

That’s a pretty stellar amount especially with so much time left. Among the stretch goals included are cinematic cutscenes ($600,000), Challenge Maps (($750,000), multiplayer ($1 million), a co-op campaign ($1.1 million) and a free DLC campaign ($1.5 million). As of right now, the New Game Plus stretch goal has already been fulfilled.

Check out the Kickstarter trailer below for Iron Harvest – it showcases the emphasis on cover-based combat, how giant steampunk mechs play into things, the different factions and the general aesthetic. The game is currently in development for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Iron HarvestKickstarterKing Art Gamespcps4SteamXbox One