Earlier today Hideo Kojima posted few interesting tweets regarding motion capture of his upcoming open world game Death Stranding. The tweets showcase a possible female lead undergoing facial capture for Death Stranding. However Kojima being “Kojima” is not interested in revealing who the actress is…instead he leaves us with enough hints to make some calculated guesses.
For a while, Kojima has been tweeting lot about “La La Land” which involves Hollywood’s Emma Stone. In fact, back in December last year, he posted a series of tweets in which he mentioned meeting an actress that he’s been a fan for almost ten years. In the same series of tweets he also mentioned something vague about La La Land. He stated, “Indeed here’s “LA LA LAND” where dreams are both materialized & broken.” You can check out the tweets here, here and here but the point that I am trying to make is that he possibly met Emma Stone.
Now if this is true than his recent tweets might possibly indicate that he has signed up Emma Stone for Death Stranding. Before he tweeted the above mentioned images of motion capture he posted an image of a female mannequin wearing a beanie that has “Lionsgate” written over it. And do you know what “Lionsgate” is? Lionsgate is a studio which was directly involved with La La Land. Now if you connect Kojima’s tweets back in December along with what he shared today, is it a possibility that Emma Stone is working with him in Death Stranding?
I’d say that the possibility of this happening is pretty high. Although Hideo Kojima likes to be secretive about his projects, he does share enough hints here and there to keep players involved. As usual, take this report with a grain of salt but what are your thoughts on this? Is Emma Stone involved? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.