Is Resistance Coming Back On The PS4?

Could a remaster happen on the PS4?

One of the most overlooked and underrated members of Sony’s first party lineup for PlayStation is the Resistance series, and it makes sense as to why- not only did the series really not hit its stride until Resistance 3, which was incidentally the conclusion of the franchise.

But it also has had a number of highly mediocre entries (Resistance 2, Resistance Burning Skies), was subpar compared to Insomniac’s other efforts such as the famed Ratchet and Clank or Spyro series, and always felt out of place, considering Sony already had a major shooter franchise it was billing as PlayStation’s flagship with Killzone.

That said, it had its fans, and those fans will undoubtedly be delighted to know that Sony has just filed brand new trademark for Resistance in Europe. It’s a standard trademark, and it says nothing new- and before you get your hopes up too high, it’s probably just been filed to further extend and protect the original trademark on the series. The likelihood that this suggests is not of a brand new Resistance game in development (3 bombed, and Burning Skies poisoned the well), but rather, the possibility of a remaster/repackaging of the PS3 games, probably for the PS4.

Which would still be fine as long as more players get to play the great Resistance 3.

Insomniac GamesPS Vitaps3ps4pspResistance 2Resistance 3resistance retributionResistance: Burning SkiesResistance: Fall of Mansony