Jack Tretton on PS4: “Can’t even imagine” what’s in store

Speaking to fastcompany.com, Jack Tretton, the CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America said:

“Year one is very important, year three you’re already starting to get to the other side of the hill and then there’s a slippery slope. We’ve just passed the third year of the PlayStation 3 and we’re just hitting our stride. And I don’t think anyone is saying, “This is a five-year cycle; what’s new on the horizon?” I can’t even imagine what can be done technically beyond the PlayStation 3 in the near future. A question I often get is when we are going to see PlayStation 4. When somebody can craft the technology that exceeds what we’re able to do on the PS3, but we are still just starting to harness it.”

Speaking about Project Natal, he said:

“I think freeing yourself from a controller has advantages, but it also has key disadvantages. And we feel all that experience and all that learning, has put us in the perfect position. We’re able to take advantage of the camera, take advantage of the ability to identity yourself in 3-D space, but then have controls in hand to do things like shooting and swinging an object, and much more accurately than ever done before. You can have it as an element of a game, you can do it as a dedicated game, you can do it in a social gaming atmosphere.”

Jack TrettonProject Natalps3ps4sony