The Witness Dev “Had a Bad Time” With Microsoft, “Happy to Work” With Sony

He breaks down the reasons for The Witness hitting PS4 first.

Jonathan Blow’s The Witness was one of the bigger surprises for the PS4, especially with the timed exclusivity, but he recently opened up about his desire to work with Sony to EDGE.

“I’ve had a bad time working with Microsoft in the past. Maybe not super bad, but a moderately bad time in terms of business relationships. Other developers who are friends of mine have had a horrible time, so the idea of signing up again with Microsoft isn’t something I’d have ruled out, but there’s a certain amount of dread I have about doing that again.

“I don’t have that with Sony. Who knows, maybe it’ll turn out to be just as bad at the end! But I don’t think so. The people we’re talking to on a daily basis there are just really good people, and we’re happy to work with them. We’ll see how it goes.”

He also discussed their strategy with them realizing “that downloadable games are going to be bigger than they ever have been” with the indie scene.

indieJonathan BlowMicrosoftplaystation 4ps4sonyThe Witness