Killzone: Shadow Fall Season Pass Detailed, New Multiplayer Trailer Released

Once more into the killzone.

Guerrilla Games has revealed the Season Pass for the upcoming Killzone: Shadow Fall, with six expansion packs planned at £15.99/€19.99.

Consumers will receive an online co-op expansion pack, which allows you and up to three friends to fight off waves of enemies in four arena style maps. There will be a leveling system and unlocks, and the online co-op mode that will be added can be used in future packs.

Then there are three online co-op map packs, each with two new maps which can be accessed in co-op. You’ll need the online co-op expansion to access it.

Finally, there will be two multiplayer expansion packs, in which Guerrilla promises plenty of gameplay. Those who pick up the Season Pass on day one will receive an OWL combat drone skin and a Multiplayer Spotlight move. More details will be revealed when Killzone: Shadow Fall launches with the PlayStation 4 on November 15th in North America and November 29th in Europe.

Guerrilla GamesKillzone: Shadow Fallps4SCEEseason pass