Composer Joris de Man spoke about how he would love to see the Killzone franchise come back in some form for a modern audience.
There's plenty of real estate to run around in in these PlayStation games.
Shadow Fall will also get a boost to 60 FPS.
Sued for all the wrong reasons.
The PS4 has amassed an excellent lineup of games, but it hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows.
Are we ever going to see more of what was once one of Sony's premier franchises?
Basically, they wanted full control over the game development process, now and in the future.
The re-released collection will be sold for $29.99.
Some people take video games too seriously. Meet those who take it way further.
Some endings were quite good this generation but others? Not so much.
Apparently, people don't care *that* much that it wasn't really 1080p.
Please pay special attention to the title before jumping the gun.
Killzon'e graphics were not 1080p. This was lawsuit worthy.
'I hope we see more of them. Honestly.'
'We will definitely revisit that concept.'
And all three are free.
Guerilla Games on how they overcame challenges while developing on the PS4.
The standalone co-op experience arrives in the PlayStation Store
The Terminal and Stormgracht offer up new means to kill.