Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge DLC sees you beat up food

Microsoft have announced new DLC for their motion controlled Kinect Sports game, titled Calorie Challenge.

The Calorie Challenge DLC will be released on Xbox Live on April 29, and has various lunchtime snacks take on the forms of your Calorie Rivals. Don’t like the idea of that full fat milk you just drank putting some pounds on your gut? Now’s your chance to jump into a boxing ring to kick the crap out of said milk carton.

The add-on also includes 250 new Achievements Points and two new Avatar Awards, says MS. See the list of Calorie Rivals below:

    Steady Celery (25 calories)
    Blazing Banana (92 calories)
    Supersonic Soda (133 calories)
    Mighty Milk (198 calories)
    Peppy Pizza (302 calories)
    Chocolate Challenger (416 calories)

Thanks to CVG for the info.

Kinect SportsMicrosoft