Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Zelda U: Check Out Their Ranks In Latest Japanese Charts

Japan's most wanted.

With Persona 5 and Tales of Berseria now both out (and both successful, breathing some life into the Japanese console market as a result), it’s time to look beyond at some of the other big name games that are planned for release in Japan- games that will hopefully prove that there is life yet in the dedicated games market still.

Final Fantasy 15 leads as always, with Dragon Quest 11‘s PS4 version coming in second (the 3DS version is fifth). Pokemon Sun/Moon put on an extremely strong performance as well, coming in at third place, ahead of Final Fantasy 7 Remake at fourth. Monster Hunter Stories, Kingdom Hearts 3, Yakuza 6, and Resident Evil 7 are ranked in that order from sixth place onwards, with Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild rounding out the Top 10.

Final Fantasy and Pokemon, at least, are due out relatively soon, and can be expected to sell in the millions in Japan alone; Monster Hunter Stories has the backing of the Monster Hunter brand, but it’s an all new genre, and a new graphical style, so it’s unknown how that will go down with the Monster Hunter fanbase. Zelda is due out next year, although the version that we should all expect to perform well at the market is the NX version, as opposed to the Wii U one.

Hopefully, these games all perform well, and breathe some new life into the Japanese market. The industry longs for a strong Japan again.

[Thanks Nintendo Everything]

Final Fantasy 7 RemakeKingdom Hearts IIINintendoNintendo NXps4Square EnixThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildwii uXbox One