Kingdom Hearts 3 Is Coming Along Steadily – Tetsuya Nomura

Hopefully we actually see it next year.

Although all Kingdom Hearts related discussion and promotion has shifted to the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD as far as Square Enix is concerned, fans shouldn’t be worried about the sudden radio silence on Kingdom Hearts 3. In a recent message by series creator and director Tetsuya Nomura (translated by Goldpanner), Nomura assured fans that development on the game is coming along steadily.

“The other game we are working on, Kingdom Hearts 3, is coming along steadily. There are new worlds in which you can run, jump… I’m very excited about moving Sora around in the wider space with his higher range of maneuverability,” Nomura said.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is currently slated for a release on Xbox One and PS4. While no official release window has been confirmed or even hinted at, it is widely expected to launch some time in 2017. For now, Kingdom Hearts fans will have to content themselves with Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD.

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