Kingdom Hearts 3 New Screenshots Show Off Toy Story World

Achievement Unlocked: Toy Story Graphics Achieved.

With Kingdom Hearts 3, video games are finally realizing a promise made to us almost two decades ago, and realizing Toy Story level graphics in real time. And these new screenshots for the game, which you can see for yourself below, show us just how gorgeous and beautiful the game looks by specifically highlighting the Toy Story World.

Of course, other worlds and characters are shown off in these screenshots too- but the star of the show here is undoubtedly the Toy Story World. Maleficient, Pete, and Hades are all additional characters that are also shown off in these screenshots.

Check these screenshots for yourself below. Kingdom Hearts 3 is due out in 2018 – that is what Square Enix claims, but this is a company known for persistent delays – on the Xbox One and PS4, and it is also going to be one of the first major Unreal Engine 4 games from Square (after Dragon Quest). Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more and persistent coverage on the game.

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