Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Could Happen Sooner Than Expected According To This Theory

Some speculation regarding the release date of Kingdom Hearts 3.

Hajime Tabata recently spoke out on the current state of development for Final Fantasy XV saying that the “end is in sight”, this accurately ties in to what he previously said about the game being near 60% completion, so while the end is in sight it’s not very close just yet.

A video from TheGamerJoint has interpreted this information as meaning that Final Fantasy XV is nearly ready to go, predicting an end of year release. The video claims that the first 50% of development is the most difficult, and while this is true in some cases, it isn’t the case every time.

Consider further that the Episode Duscae demo that players are looking forward to has features that are missing in their entirety because they haven’t even been worked into the game yet, never mind being balanced and tested. The demo won’t even be able to run at 30FPS, such is its current state of development.

With all the above being said, TheGamerJoint has come to the conclusion that is with FFXV nearing its end goal, development on Kindgom Hearts 3 will somehow see a boost in development speed and possibly ship sooner than expected. So I am not sure whether I agree with the theory in this video, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 are being developed by different teams and their current position in development would not likely have a significant effect on the others release.

Regardless, let’s just hope this is true as we can’t to get our hands on Kingdom Hearts 3.

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