Kingdom Hearts 3: Square Enix Explains E3 Absence, 2.8 Is The Focus For Now

The wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 continues.

Over the last few weeks, we have been reporting how the long wait for Kingdom Hearts 3, which currently shows no sign of ending any time soon (Kingdom Hearts 3 is currently due to launch some time after March 2017), has affected the amount of hype, excitement, and anticipation that people are feeling for it.

For now, it doesn’t seem like Square Enix has any plans to make that wait shorter. Speaking to GamesBeat, Tai Yasue, who is co-director for both Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and Kingdom Hearts 3, explained the company’s relative lack of marketing for Kingdom Hearts 3 at the moment, noting that for now, 2.8 seems to be the focus within Square Enix.

“It was a difficult decision for us,” Yasue said, referring to Square not bringing Kingdom Hearts 3 to E3 this year. “We want to share as much as possible. We’re excited about Kingdom Hearts 3. But 2.8 we’re releasing globally at the beginning of December. We wanted to concentrate on that first. We want what’s best for the moment. We’re currently making 3 and 2.8 at the same time, but we wanted to concentrate on 2.8 right now.”

From the sound of things, it seems like we won’t be learning anything substantial or anything new about Kingdom Hearts 3 until after 2.8 has released in December. Kingdom Hearts 3 is due out on PS4 and Xbox One; 2.8 is going to release exclusively on PS4.

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