Kingdom Hearts 3 vs Kingdom Hearts 2 Graphics Comparison Shows Massive Difference

Which seems a bit obvious, if you think about it, but is still something that needs to be seen to be believed.

Kingdom Hearts 2 came out on the PlayStation 2, all the way back in 2005. Kingdom Hearts 3 will be launching on the PlayStation 4 (and the Xbox One), in 2017 at the earliest- that’s twelve years and two console generations apart for the two games.

So it really should not come as much of a surprise that there is a massive difference in the graphical quality between Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3– but seeing it in motion for yourself, with your own eyes, is what perhaps really drives the point home. Which is why this GIF posted on Reddit, which illustrates just how much of a difference there is between the visuals of the two games, is something that all Kingdom Hearts fans really need to see.

And the best part is, in spite of how good Kingdom Hearts 3 is looking now, it’s still a year from release- so by the time it is out, its graphics may be refined and polished further. The graphical gap between Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3, it seems, is only set to grow.

Kingdom Hearts IIIps4Square EnixXbox One