Kingdom Hearts 3’s Memory Archive Is Now Available In English

Now we can all be confused in English!

kingdom hearts 3kingdom hearts 3

Some things in this life are inevitable- death; the sun rising in the east and setting in the west; and the vast majority of the population furiously scratching their heads while trying to decipher the larger story of the Kingdom Hearts series. If you’re one of the people who’ve stuck with Square Enix’s RPG series from the beginning and know exactly who’s whose Heartless, who’s whose Nobody, how many Xehanorts are around right now, and just what the hell is going on with Square Enix giving he name “Ansem” to everybody they see, this probably doesn’t concern you. But for the large number of people who’ve given up on trying to figure out just what the hell is going on, this might come in handy.

Square Enix’s Memory Archives videos to prepare fans for Kingdom Hearts 3, which recap the entire story of the franchise in roughly 20 minutes collectively, are now available in English. Consisting of five episodes, all of which you can view below, the series does a pretty good job of bringing fans up to speed about the most important events in the series so far in a concise and succinct manner- but then again, there’s only so much you can do, so don’t expect to become an expert on all things Kingdom Hearts immediately. This is more like a crash course (or a refresher, if you don’t need a crash course). If you’re looking for an alternative, we recently did a series on the entire story of Kingdom Hearts as well- you can view part one through here.

Kingdom Hearts 3 has been out in Japan for three days, but in the rest of the world, it launches tomorrow, on January 29. Early reviews for the game have been largely positive, but a whole lot of publications are yet to write their own impressions on the game- ourselves included. Our review should be up soon, so stay tuned.

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