Kojima making all-new Metal Gear Solid?

Even though Hideo Kojima is hard at work with his new role as the executive producer of Metal Gear Solid: Rising, sources close to Kojima Productions have said that Kojima might actually be working on an all new Metal Gear Solid game. Shacknews have reported that Shigenobu Matsuyama said: “I’ve been asked a lot, ‘Is this going to be a side-story or spin-off to the MGS series?’, but what I’m positioning is that there will be a Hideo Kojima game that is MGS, but what we are planning as Kojima Productions is have this Raiden Rising as almost as a standard so that there’s an MGS and the Rising going back-and-forth in the future. Hideo Kojima will continue working on Metal Gear Solid games.”

I am pretty much sure that this game will be announced this TGS. Stay tuned with GB for more news and updates.

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