Konami Is Clueless About Metal Gear Solid 5 Nuclear Disarmament Event Getting Unlocked On Steam

Metal Gear Solid V on PC sees world peace...but not really.

metal gear solid 5 the phantom painmetal gear solid 5 the phantom pain

One of the more well hidden secrets within Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain involved the Nuclear Disarmament event, and a special scene that would unlock should the nearly impossible condition of every player disarming their nukes happen. On the PC version of the game, the scene suddenly became triggered for all players, but Konami wasn’t the one who did it.

Following the scene being triggered on February 2nd, Konami made a statement on the Metal Gear Official Twitter account, that the event had been triggered without the nuke count reaching zero.

Konami could not say what exactly happened, only that they were investigating. They would apologize for the inconvenience and committed to taking the necessary action to avoid the same happening again in the future. We will keep you updated as this builds. Do you have any thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Kojima ProductionskonamiMetal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainpcSteam