Lichdome Battlemage Is The Worst Performing Game on XB1/PS4 – Report

This is a disgrace!

There are games which perform well- usually, stuff like Nintendo’s games, or games like Metal Gear Solid and Persona come under this bracket. Then there are games which don’t perform that well on an absolute scale, but do well, given their scale and ambition- games like The Witcher 3 or Bloodborne. There are games that just perform inexcusably bad- games like Assassin’s Creed Unity.

And then there is Lichdome Battlemage. It is, according to Digital Foundry, who definitely know what they are talking about, the worst performing game on the Xbox One and PS4. “We’ve been measuring frame-rates since 2008. And we never seen anything as consistently bad as this,” they said.

It’s shameful that the game was even allowed to release in this form by Microsoft and Sony at all. It is shameful that we de-emphasize framerate so much over something as ultimately immaterial as resolution that we end up with barely playable games such as this. It is shameful that the developers thought a product like this would be acceptable.

It would be shameful it you bought this game, knowing all this. Don’t do it.

lichdome battlemageps4Xbox One