Little Big Planet 2 Beta Codes Winners Announced

Hey Everyone! After tons of advices/suggestions/recommendations/criticism and all your love, I am proud to announce the names of four lucky people who won the beta codes. Trust me, it was an extremely difficult decision since there were so many awesome and innovative suggestions. So without taking your time, let me announce the four lucky winners:

  • Lancast
  • Satherckz
  • SPYdir
  • azurei_dx

To the four of you, check your emails for the beta codes. And for all of you who never made it, dont be sad, next contest will be coming soon. Killzone 3 Beta Codes if we get them from Sony or a free video game/cash 😀

And please folks spread the word!



Edit: If you guys never got the email, check your spam, some mailboxes act stupid 🙂

Little Big Planet 2ps3sony