Little Devil Inside Re-Emerges with Stunning New Gameplay Trailer

Billy returns and continues travelling across the countryside, battling monsters and brigands, collecting "samples", and more.

Over two years since gameplay was last revealed, Neostream’s Little Devil Inside has received an extensive new trailer. It sees the protagonist, Billy, traversing through the countryside to Blackwood Forest. Check it out below.

The visuals have seemingly seen improvements, with gorgeous atmospheric fog on the world map. After stopping at a gas station, Billy runs afoul of a bear in a dead mine and fights for his life. The trailer then cuts to a “Sample” extraction in the forest before switching to road travel at night, where Billy’s car accidentally hits a deer.

It then shows a campsite where he’s cooking food (unknown if this is said deer). Some brigands arrive, and you can fight them or eat together. Another location is Mr Wool’s Ranch, with the owner wearing a sheep suit because, well, he likes sheep. You can also equip it, which is handy when hiding among the sheep and ambushing an approaching monster.

More combat is seen against various brigands before cutting to what seems to be an abandoned orphanage. A monster lurks, however, and after Billy steals the key, it gives chase throughout. Other regions, like the desert and snowy mountains, are also showcased.

It ends with Billy venturing into the Black Forest and happening upon some undead. He can ignite or behead them, which would explain the severed head in the beginning.

Little Devil Inside is in development for PS5, PS4 and PC. There are no further details like a release date, but perhaps it’s a sign of future updates. Stay tuned in the coming months.

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