Madden NFL 20 Guide: How to Quickly Earn MUT Coins

Improving a team's OVR is tough without enough coins but fortunately, there are several avenues available.

A major appeal of EA Sports titles is Ultimate Team mode and Madden NFL 20 is no exception. MUT returns and you need those coins to effectively rank up your OVR. What are the best ways to farm coins? Before we get into that, a special note on Packs: Avoid them. Pack promotions might be worth checking out every now and then but don’t bother actually spending money for packs otherwise.

First, partake in as many challenges as possible. Head to the Play section, select some challenges and set about completing them. Challenge difficulty is determined by star ratings so the tougher the challenge, the better the rewards. Set the difficulty to three stars at minimum for a fairly even challenge. Try to avoid higher difficulties because you’ll just be wasting time that could be used to more effectively farm lower rankings.

The Auction House is also worth looking into since you can find some cards at good deals and re-sell them for a profit. Don’t sell your cards immediately or for cheap prices – wait to hear the best offer and then go for it. It’s a good alternative to playing the game especially since you can earn a good amount of coins in a short period of time. Otherwise, stick to challenges and farm up as much as possible at a comfortable pace.

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