MAG Previewed

The highly anticipated Massive Action Game (MAG) should be on your “to get” list.

Massive Action Game, in short “MAG” is one of the most anticipated exclusives for the Playstation 3 in 2009 (or perhaps 2010 if it gets delayed).

Developed by Zipper Interactive, the creators of the Playstation 2’s biggest online game, Socom, and are now taking a big step of bringing MAG to the Playstation 3 with 256 players online, now thats massive.

Now 256 online players in one match may sound like its gonna be totally chaotic, but this is where stuff get interesting:

Zipper thought up of ways to control the game, so it wont be total chaos like mentioned before.  depending on your rank, players have the ability to take command of squads of eight, telling them what to do and where is their next target, there are 16 squads of 8 in total, and 32 platoons with a single platoon leader in charge of the platoon.  Now soldiers in squads don’t have to obey their orders, they can go out and roam in the gigantic battlefields and kill who ever they see, but the ones that do obey get bonuses and experience points, so everything is pretty well balanced.

Each type of leader has is own abilities, for example squad leaders can deploy recon drones, while platoon leaders can call in strafing runs, but players have to reach those type of leadership by gaining experience points and leveling up, so don’t expect to be a leader when you first start the game.

In MAG, there are 3 Private Military Corporations (PMC’s):

Raven – High Tech and polished PMC’s

Valor –  Traditonal Military type PMC’s

S.V.E.R.- Low tech, Unorganized type PMC’s

All three PMC groups are involved in an on-going “Shadow War” where the online players are the ones who participate in it, by winning a game against the other PMC team in the Shadow War, you get access to special gear,weapons,vehicles and more.

Each PMC group have their statistics online which also show which one is “winning” the Shadow War.

MAG is expected to come out this Fall if not delayed, so i will see you on the battlefield…along with 254 other players.
