Major Nelson: Microsoft Interested in Game Pre-Loads for Xbox One

When exactly that will happen is a completely different matter.

Sony recently updated the PlayStation 4’s firmware to 1.70, introducing a host of changes along with SHAREfactory to customize and edit footage. One of the bigger changes was the ability to pre-load games that you’ve pre-ordered several days before launch, ensuring the game is ready to play on the day of release. According to Xbox Live director of programming Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb on Reddit, it’s a feature that Microsoft is at the very least interested in implementing for the Xbox One.

“All I can say right now is that yes, we want this feature as well.” As for a time frame on when this would actually happen, Nelson replied, “‘All I can say right now’ means exactly that.”

Microsoft has been fairly recent with its system updates though as it plans to introduce another for May. Will game pre-loading be available? We’ll find out as and when the company announces it. Let us know in the comments whether you’d be interested in seeing it.

game pre-loadingMajor NelsonMicrosoftXbox One